What to Do Before Your Pool Excavation

Planning a Pool Excavation Project? Make Sure to Take These Steps

Excavation is one of the first and most important parts of the pool construction process. Because of this, you should spend enough time and effort on the task and ensure that it will be completed on time and according to code. Here are some steps you can take when planning a pool excavation project:

Find the right contractor

While it’s technically possible to complete excavation jobs on your own, it can be a huge challenge since it requires advanced machinery and skills plus lots of time and effort. Because of this, it’s best to hire a trusted excavation company instead of using the do-it-yourself approach. Working with experts will help you ensure that your pool site will be properly excavated and that you’ll get excellent results.

Obtain the required permits

Most places require property owners to secure certain permits before they can start a pool construction project. Find out what these permits are and make sure to obtain them before the excavation process starts so you won’t have to worry about getting into legal woes.

Clear the area in and around the pool site

Take the time to remove outdoor furniture, potted plants, and other items that are placed on the pool site. If you have a pergola or gazebo installed on the area, you’ll have to take it down as well. By clearing the pool site, you can ensure that the excavation company will be able to start their job right away and finish everything on time.

Make your pool excavation project a success by using the tips listed above! If you’d like to get additional tips, or if you’re still looking for the right company to hire, feel free to call Steve's Pool Removal. We are based in Metuchen, NJ, and we offer top-notch excavation solutions to our customers and provide them with excellent results. Get in touch with us now at (732) 234-9183!

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